My callsign is OH6HL

Remote rig

I have remote station in Lappeenranta. It uses IC-7300 as it's radio and end fed antenna. The antenna was hung up in tree with my DJI Mini 2 drone and it's tree end is at 15m height. The other end is at 2 meter height and connected to my parents house. I use it mostly for FT8 (for now).

I set up a PC running win4icom software so I can remotely connect to it even with my phone. Now if the weather is just right I can get few long range QSO's from anywhere in the world.

Portable setup

I have Xiegu X6100 as my everyday carry radio. It and a basic whip antenna is always in my backpack when I leave my apartment. I have used the whip antenna to communicate easily to Europe. Goal for the summer of 2023 is to assemble a end fed half wave antenna and do better QRP communication from local hills and some islands at lake Saimaa!

I also always carry a 2M/70CM radio with me. It's usually either my Yaesu FT3D or Anytone D878UVII Plus.

Other radios and plans

I have also few other radios. Current list includes the usual Baofeng UV-5R. I use it mostly as a VOX toy. APRS and PSK31 when connected to an Android phone. I also found Yaesu FT817ND for cheap so the plan is to buy a digirig mobile for it. Then I can work VHF and UHF SSB modes like FT8 and PSK31. Try to transmit pictures using SSTV to myself from a distance.

Few vintage radios include Polish TUBEROZA T-2/01 and Czech RF-10 radio. Both were one of the first radios I got. Not the best way to start HAM hobby I should say!